

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Potty Training, Not for the faint of heart

I was going to write about the incredibly deep conversation I had with my two year old this morning, but she woke me up entirely too early to actually remember what we talked about. It was something to do with the sun, the moon and some other crap that my brain refused to retain out of protest. Just because the sun came up doesn't mean that we should wake up too. Just saying. So instead I'm going to write about my frustration level with her peeing in her pants.
I should be grateful that she's even as far along with her potty training as she is, seeing as she's not even three yet. She wears panties all day long. She does wear a pull up at night time, but it's usually dry when she wakes up. For the most part, at home, she has very few accidents. However, there have been some accidents that have been at some awfully inconvenient places and times. There was this one time, a few weeks ago, when we took the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese and she was in the climbing play thing, in the tunnel that went above where people walk. I think you can see where I'm taking this. Needless to say, there were a few people who got an involuntary golden shower.  Now, maybe we should have gone home when that had happened. But we had a lot of tokens left and we were there just as much for ourselves and the kids. Hey, it was our birthday the next day!! So I did what any mother who spent good money on tokens and didn't want to leave until they were all gone would do, walked down to Burlington Coat Factory and bought her some new shorts (clearance rack of course). The shorts ended up being a little big on her though, and we all got to see her plumber's crack the rest of the night. (Just like her daddy.)
Like I had said though, she rarely had accidents like that. Ever since the whole hurricane thing, and being up at a friends house, she's simply too busy to actually use the potty. She only wants to wear pull ups during the day now, because she knows that she's going to have accidents. Of course I refuse to let her do that, in fear that she'll regress so much that we'll have to start all over with the potty training. On our first full day back in Harrisonburg, we went to my old work and the kids were playing in the play place. They had been in there all of 10 minutes when Cole comes to tell me that she peed in there. I, of course because the universe seems to think it's funny to laugh at me, was wearing a dress and had to climb up into the play place to clean it up. I wasn't going let someone else do it. Since we were in town, I just went to get her some new panties (she was in a dress, don't worry).
After going to the store, we went to visit another friend in good ole West Verginie, where she peed her pants again. I know her routine is off, but I mean, come on child!! You know where the potty is. You know how to use it. I never have to get after her anymore at home, she just goes. Now, I feel like I have to make her go pee every 30 minutes like back when we started. I'm trying to have more patience with it, but I kinda enjoyed having her go potty when she needed to. It's nice to not have her in diapers, or pull ups and not even need help going potty (except after number 2, she needs a little help with that one). I guess I'm just going to have to suck it up, and do a little more laundry until things get settled again. We'll see!!


Anonymous said...

I thought Bella's "accident" at the Yoko Navy Exchange's was embarrassing (she peed in the floor of the book section) - but a golden shower at Chuck E. Cheese......too funny! Sucked to be you that day - hehehe!

Anonymous said...

Maybe start paying more attention to her.

keepitreal said...

as any parent would know, accidents happen. and upsetting the daily routine of a child's life is going to allow for those accidents to happen. if you've ever tried to get a two year old out of chuck-e-cheese to go potty, i'd like to give you a medal. the funnier part is that she had just gone to the bathroom shortly before that.