

Monday, August 29, 2011

Co-sleeping, why it's not for me.

The hurricane was rough for us. I know that we're not on the coast, but from what I'm hearing, we got hit harder then Norfolk here in Richmond! There are downed trees all over the city and we lost power Saturday night. It's Monday morning, we still have no power and word on the street is that we won't have it back for about a week. There is no way I'm staying in a house with two kids and no power. It's just got happening. So we loaded up the car last night and the kids and I headed up north to stay with a friend for a few days. We are so grateful!! She even gave up her room for us!
We got in late last night and the kids were all amped up to be at a friends house, but were totally exhausted from being up in the heat all day. Technology has spoiled us. Of course the kids didn't want to go to sleep because they were too excited. Finally, I get them to sleep, and even though there was a little futon on the floor, both of the kids insisted on sleeping with me in the bed. Alright, well it's not like I could let one sleep with me and not the other one too. So we all piled in the bed and got all relaxed to go to sleep. Now, maybe it's because we never sleep in the same bed. Maybe it's because they were distraught about the whole hurricane and the effect that it's had on everything. Either way, the kids felt the need to be crammed up my butt the whole night. Livi wanted to sleep with her face on mine, Cole wanted to sleep with his knees on my back. They tossed and turned so much it was just crazy. I'm getting more tired just thinking about how tired I am right now.
Do people really do this every night? I remember a time when Cole used to sleep in my bed. But it was just him and he was much much younger and smaller. Now he's a 5 1/2 year old who is the same size as some 2nd graders! People frequently think that Livi is at least 4. How can people sleep with giant children like that? Especially children that are not only freakishly huge, but move like they have restless leg syndrome. There were knees in my back, butts in my face, elbows being thrown and feet flying everywhere. It's a miracle that no one fell off the bed. I didn't get hardly any sleep at all. After all that tossing and turning, my kids still woke up at the butt crack of dawn! I mean really?? Why would they want to be up that early? Where did they get this morning people crap from? Wherever it was from, I'm not a fan.
Co-sleeping is not for me. While I love to cuddle with my kids during a movie, right before they go to sleep (in their own beds) or when they have a bad dream, they are just not friendly sleepers. There is no way I could possibly get any rest with the two of them in my bed. Man, I need a nap already. It's only 8:45! It's going to be a long day.


Anonymous said...

You better than me! My spawn would have been on a pallet on the floor! LOL

Funny, it lets me follow the blog but when I try yo comment as my Google account this is the message I get: Your current account ( does not have access to view this page.

I have no effin clue!! So I'm commenting as anonymous. lol

keepitreal said...

that's crazy!! i dunno what's up with that!

Mrs. M said...

Sounds like my house some nights!! Thankfully my little hooligan has started sleeping in his own bed almost every night instead of trying to crawl into mine!! It amazes me that someone so "small" can take up so much room in a bed that normally two adults sleep comfortably in... Must be one of those freak of nature things!!