

Monday, November 5, 2012

Might be time for Locks of Love Rapunzel

How did this:

Become this:
you ask? That is a good question. While helping Livi clean up her room yesterday, mainly because I couldn't find her bathing suit (which it turns out, I had put in a bag to take to the sprinkler park thing, oops) and I came across about 15 dolls which looked like they were crack addicts. They were half naked, and their hair was...well you saw the top picture. At least she was dressed though.

So I started to do some research on what I could do to fix their hair. I found one woman's blog about brushing the same doll's hair. (Cookie and Claire) I didn't have a wig brush, so I made due with a comb and a regular brush.

I made the detangler spray with fabric softener and water. I used the lavender vanilla scented on in hopes that it would relax me while I brushed all this stupid hair. When I began this process, I'm not going to lie, I asked myself what the hell I was thinking when I bought this doll in the process?! You would think that by this day in age, they would have created a way to keep doll hair from becoming so tangled. (I guess that was the point of this particular doll though....)

The whole process took about 30 minutes. I think Rapunzel lost about as much hair as she kept. I did break it up into sections to make the task a little easier. Half-way though, I about quit. I didn't think it would be as big of a pain the ass as it was. I guess I figured that homemade detangler would work magic and just untangle the whole thing on it's own. But I soldiered on and finished it up. Needless to say, that is the only doll who got her hair brushed.

On an added note: I started this post about a month ago....I still have yet to brush another doll's hair.