

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

What my kids don't know about me yet, but may one day figure out!

While perusing the expansive internet and reading other articles that moms have written, I came across an article called "10 Things My Kids Would Be Surprised To Learn about Their Mom" (here's the link to that 10 things). This made me think about all the things the kids don't know about me yet. Let's see what I can come up with!
1. I once got really drunk in Russia and rode a horse down the beach.
2. I'm not physic. I just know them, and what kind of trouble they are capable of. I also have gotten pretty good at figuring out the different thud sounds that come from upstairs.
3. I am not a morning person. I hate getting up that early in the morning and I wish that they didn't get up that early.
4. I think Star Wars is boring, sorry Cole. I can't watch it. I don't really want to hear about, but I pretend to love it because you think it's so cool.
5. I know that you guys think laundry is really fascinating. I feel like I don't even need to finish this thought, because you know where I'm going with it.
6. I love love love all the trashy reality tv that I would never ever let you watch.
7. Pizza every night is not a good dinner plan. Although right now, I'm starving and that sounds great.
8. Dessert is my favorite meal. Yes, I called it a meal. If it's the right kind of dessert, it could be a meal.
9. I love musicals. Movies, plays and all that. I love to sing along with them. And I don't really care if it's embarrassing. In fact, as they get older, it might add to the entertainment factor.
10. As much I tell them to put on their shoes, I hate wearing them. I never wore shoes growing up. I even graduated high school barefoot.

There are many more things about me that they don't know. More things then I could think about. Feel free to share some of your own little tidbits.

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