

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Shouldn't everyday be Mother's Day??

I realize that I have neglected my blogging duties as of late. I apologize. I could give you a bunch of excuses about how I've been super busy moving down the east coast, or how I am taking classes online, but I think what it really boils down to is that I have developed a serious Pinterest addiction. They say admitting it is the first step.

Mother's Day is fast approaching, and I feel the need to write my thoughts about it. I thought of even making a top 5 list of things that I would love for Mother's Day. I really thought about all the things that the commercials say that mothers want. But let's be real, who really really wants a new refrigerator for mother's day? I mean, I'm not going to lie, I really want a new washer and dryer. Mainly because we don't have one now and I am so sick of going to the laundromat! (As convenient as it is to do 6 loads at once.) So, without further ado, here is my top 5 list:

1. Anything homemade. I love when the kiddos draw me pictures or make me a "spaceship" out of legos or whatever. I don't care if it cost you any money to make, the thought behind it is what is important. I have a whole box of drawing and scribbles and all that good stuff that I can bear to throw away!!

2. If I'm going to dream, I'm going to dream big. I would love to have enough craft supplies to be able to make everything on my Pinterest boards. Man I have an addiction. I know it's a problem.

3. I know I said appliances are out. But I really hate the laundromat! Washer and dryer!

4. A day at the spa. What mom doesn't want to be pampered? A good massage can do wonders! Yeah buddy!

5. A nap. Enough said.

All joking aside, I don't need anything really for Mother's day. I get little things all the time just because. Like the Hunger Games books, which I read in a single day, each. Little moments with the kids, when Cole reads to me or Livi tells me what number is what. Those are the things that are important to me. Those are the times that I truly love being a mommy. Then they do something crazy that just makes me forget all that crap and want to 'smack the taste out their mouth'.

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