

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Bedtime Routine

Like many people, I try to have a bedtime routine with the kids. With my old job though, it was difficult because I was pretty much always at work during bedtime. That, of course, just added to that lovely mommy guilt that I tend to feel, but I digress. Back to the routine....

First of all, we start with dinner. This evening's delicious dish was hot dogs and mac and cheese for the kids and a nice salad with chicken for the grown-ups. While that salad was good, it was no mac and cheese, which is what my stomach really wants, but my ass does not. If the kids eat all of their dinner, they can have dessert, which tonight was leftover dessert pizza from Papa John's. We had vanilla yogurt with granola and white chocolate chips. I know you're all jealous of our incredible healthy dinner and dessert.

After dinner, it's shower time. This evening was especially hilarious. While the kids were taking their showers, we took turns dumping freezing cold water over the shower curtain on them.....Cole thought it was much funnier then Olivia, who isn't a big fan of water in her face. She doesn't even like the water park because of that, she's not very much fun. Then it was time to get dressed. Both of those hooligans love being naked. Cole will run around the house, and probably outside if you let him, naked. He thinks it's just the funniest thing ever. Olivia on the other hand, likes to point out to everyone that she's naked, but then proceeds to tell them not to look at her privates. I do appreciate her concern to have people respect her modesty, I just wish that she was actually modest.

Once they are in their jammies, it's time to get their hiney's in bed. Usually, there will be a story, complete with appropriate voices and sound effects. Tonight, we were running a bit late, and wanted them to just get into bed, so I just sang a little song to each of them. Olivia wanted "Over the Rainbow", which I forgot half the words to. Thankfully, she doesn't know the whole song yet, and just sings along to the over the rainbow parts. Cole wanted a song about God, fitting because we did attend church today. Sadly, the only song I could think of on the spot about God was "O' Come all Ye Faithful". That is one of my favorite Christmas carols. So yeah....I guess I should brush up on my hymns.

Now, it's quiet in the house and I'm taking a few moments to write this little blog about our night. This is the point in the bedtime routine that is the adult time. Most nights, I could really use a drink when they are in bed. Today was actually a peaceful day. I can only pray the same for tomorrow, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

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