

Thursday, February 23, 2012

You’re going to be a star!

As some of you know and have seen, my son is a singing sensation. I’m not going to brag or anything, but he’s pretty much amazing. He wrote a song, and let’s just say that he’s better at rapping then Lil’ Wayne. He writes his own lyrics. I’d like to see Lil’ Wheezy do that. Ha! But anyway, the story is that we were driving in the car to go to the craft store so that I could get some fabric, and he could get a cool little craft thing to do. (He picked this thing where you dig the stones out of rock, which is actually just a bath fizz thing and you can make a ring out of the gems you find.) On the way to the store, we were listening to the Kidz Bop Pandora radio station. At least it was current music, and I didn’t have to worry about them dropping the “B” word, the “F” bomb or other colorful language like that. On the down-size, I feel like I’m listening to a Barney soundtrack that occasionally plays the Chipmunks.
Anyway, Cole decided that he wanted to be on the radio too, because those other kids were doing it. I told him that he could make up songs if he wanted, and maybe one day he could be on the radio too. Well, he then proceeded to sing the most amazing song…..ever. It was about 15 minutes long. It included some very random things, that didn’t exactly make radio gold, but was still basically AMAZING. After a while he got into a groove of things and got his flow down. He started to find his rhythm. Then, “Shake it Girl” was born.
Some of you have seen this amazing song. Some of you sing it in your head, because it gets stuck in your head. I know it gets stuck in mine. It’s a catchy little ditty. I did what any parent would have done; I pointed my camera in the back and hoped for the best. What I captured, was just purely amazing. I can’t say that enough .It was priceless. It was gold! It’s just something I have to post for your viewing pleasure. I’m in school right now and I ‘m not sure if this is going to post right, but I am going to try anyway. I hope you can all see it. Enjoy!
Cole Says Shake It Girl

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