

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Crayons are a privilege, not a right

Saturday, we had a birthday party for my son. He just turned 6. (On a side note, I feel really old.) But yes, his birthday was on a Tuesday this year, so we had the party Saturday. He was super excited to have cake, and his new scooter and hang out with his homies. And of course, Livi is really jealous. She doesn't understand the concept of birthdays, and presents and why she doesn't get any presents. It's also really hard for her to understand time right now, and how long it is until her birthday. Cole, who barely earned back his birthday party due to a choking his sister out for a cape incident, was very well behaved. Olivia.....not so much.

She spent most of her day in and out of time out. In the corner, out of the corner. Taking naps, being awake. No tv, then watching cartoons. It was a back and forth battle all day long. Finally, at the end of the night, she had to sit at her desk, and not play. Well, little did we know, that there were crayons at her desk. Thinking that she's sitting at her desk quietly, we let her get up and play a little before bed. So I go upstairs to tuck her in for the night, and low and behold what we see at her desk, a beautiful art picture. On her desk. Great.

Needless to say, Olivia lost her crayon privileges. I should also mention that she tried to draw on the curtains as well, because they were in front of the desk. If she could have reached the walls, I'm sure that would have been tagged too.

Note to self: Keep Olivia away from spray cans when she is a teenager.

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