

Thursday, February 23, 2012

You’re going to be a star!

As some of you know and have seen, my son is a singing sensation. I’m not going to brag or anything, but he’s pretty much amazing. He wrote a song, and let’s just say that he’s better at rapping then Lil’ Wayne. He writes his own lyrics. I’d like to see Lil’ Wheezy do that. Ha! But anyway, the story is that we were driving in the car to go to the craft store so that I could get some fabric, and he could get a cool little craft thing to do. (He picked this thing where you dig the stones out of rock, which is actually just a bath fizz thing and you can make a ring out of the gems you find.) On the way to the store, we were listening to the Kidz Bop Pandora radio station. At least it was current music, and I didn’t have to worry about them dropping the “B” word, the “F” bomb or other colorful language like that. On the down-size, I feel like I’m listening to a Barney soundtrack that occasionally plays the Chipmunks.
Anyway, Cole decided that he wanted to be on the radio too, because those other kids were doing it. I told him that he could make up songs if he wanted, and maybe one day he could be on the radio too. Well, he then proceeded to sing the most amazing song…..ever. It was about 15 minutes long. It included some very random things, that didn’t exactly make radio gold, but was still basically AMAZING. After a while he got into a groove of things and got his flow down. He started to find his rhythm. Then, “Shake it Girl” was born.
Some of you have seen this amazing song. Some of you sing it in your head, because it gets stuck in your head. I know it gets stuck in mine. It’s a catchy little ditty. I did what any parent would have done; I pointed my camera in the back and hoped for the best. What I captured, was just purely amazing. I can’t say that enough .It was priceless. It was gold! It’s just something I have to post for your viewing pleasure. I’m in school right now and I ‘m not sure if this is going to post right, but I am going to try anyway. I hope you can all see it. Enjoy!
Cole Says Shake It Girl

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day. If you really care.

Yeah yeah yeah, Happy Valentine's Day and all that jazz. Meh. I'm not that big into Valentines Day personally. I mean, I did buy Cole and Livi and Brock a little something for Valentine's Day. A little chocolate that I'll probably have sneak a little of. Some mushy cards. And then the card that said, "If we were in prison, I'd totally have your back. I'd shiv anyone who disrespected you." I couldn't pass a romantic gem like that up. When you see a card like that, you just have to get it. For example, I have a birthday card that some lucky person is going to get, I just haven't decided who. It says, "Happy Birthday, I'll see you in Hell." Now you see why I can't just give it to anyone. It has to be the right person.

Back to Valentine's Day. Cole didn't want to go to school today because he didn't think that he had Valentines for his class. I am a procrastinator. I waited until last night to buy Valentines. And of course, Target was cleaned out. Cole has 32 kids in his class....that's just crazy. 32 kindergartners. How does his teacher maintain her sanity??? Cause I sure would loose it. I found one box that had exactly 32 valentines in it. Jackpot! (It was pixie sticks too. Oops, they are going to be a group of jacked up on pure sugar 32 kindergartners.)

Then I go home to look at the list of names of students. I really couldn't help myself. I laughed. Really hard. Then I called my mom. And we both laughed really hard. What are people thinking when they name their children??? One little boy's name was Sha'dream. No joke. Then there Jakiy. (Not even sure how to begin to pronounce that. I'm assuming it's JK. Like, 'I had a girl! JK it's a boy.) The list goes on and on. I just feel bad for those kids. Those are some crazy crazy names, and their parents set them up for a life of teasing and mispronunciation. Poor kids. I guess sha'dreamt about it and that's the name she came up with. JK.

Friday, February 10, 2012

I think I'm a communist.....

We took a little road trip today to Charlottesville today (this is my first attempt at mobile blogging). On the way up here, we stopped for drinks and snacks. Brock came back to the car with a cheese danish and twinkies. The danish was for me and the twinkies for Livi.

After Brock gave Livi the first Twinkie, he asked her if she liked it. Of course she did. She looked like a chipmunk with all that yumminess in her cheeks. I proceeded to tell Brock that anyone who didnt like Twinkies was un-american. Damn Commies. Olivia got half way through the second one when she got full. So, I had to take one for the team and finish it.

Thats when I realized that I had to be a communist.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Crayons are a privilege, not a right

Saturday, we had a birthday party for my son. He just turned 6. (On a side note, I feel really old.) But yes, his birthday was on a Tuesday this year, so we had the party Saturday. He was super excited to have cake, and his new scooter and hang out with his homies. And of course, Livi is really jealous. She doesn't understand the concept of birthdays, and presents and why she doesn't get any presents. It's also really hard for her to understand time right now, and how long it is until her birthday. Cole, who barely earned back his birthday party due to a choking his sister out for a cape incident, was very well behaved. Olivia.....not so much.

She spent most of her day in and out of time out. In the corner, out of the corner. Taking naps, being awake. No tv, then watching cartoons. It was a back and forth battle all day long. Finally, at the end of the night, she had to sit at her desk, and not play. Well, little did we know, that there were crayons at her desk. Thinking that she's sitting at her desk quietly, we let her get up and play a little before bed. So I go upstairs to tuck her in for the night, and low and behold what we see at her desk, a beautiful art picture. On her desk. Great.

Needless to say, Olivia lost her crayon privileges. I should also mention that she tried to draw on the curtains as well, because they were in front of the desk. If she could have reached the walls, I'm sure that would have been tagged too.

Note to self: Keep Olivia away from spray cans when she is a teenager.