

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

"You're a mean mommy!"

Oh the joys of what our children tell us. Isn't it just so great to appreciated for all the things that we do for them? The food we put on the table? The hard work we do all day so that we'll have money to buy them that new toy they just have to have that they will be bored of in 10 minutes? The clothes they are wearing? Do they even understand the lengths we go through to try to make them a well-rounded person? The answer to that is not just no, but hell no. These little jerks are already thinking about the next thing that they have to have. Or how I didn't give them what they really wanted. Jerks.

Today started out as any normal morning would. I hear my alarm clock and of course reset it for 15 minutes later. Then I finally drag my ass out of bed and get Cole up. I pick out clothes and pray that he hasn't grown another 3 inches in the middle of the night and that his pants will actually still fit him. (That reminds, I forgot to actually look at his pants when he came downstairs, I hope that he's not going to look like Noah today.) Of course, once Livi hears us, then she needs to get up too. I bring her downstairs while Cole gets dressed in hopefully some well fitting pants. (Sidenote: The thing that makes me so mad, is that I just bought those pants like 3 months ago, and they were big when I bought them. I have freakishly large children.) I get them both a bowl of cereal and get started making his lunch for school. This isn't just any bowl of cereal, no. This is Cinnamon Toast Crunch, well the generic version anyway. This is plain ole Cheerios. I'm not asking them to eat something healthy like Grape Nuts. Come on!

Cole comes downstairs and is devastated, and I mean devastated that I could even THINK to ask him to eat this food, even though it's what he ate yesterday like it was his favorite. He had gotten it in his head that I would make waffles. I never said that I would do that. We don't even have waffles right now. After seeing him so upset and heartbroken over the cereal that I put in front of him, I did what any normal mother would do. I made him eat it. I made him eat the whole bowl. I'm heartless aren't I?

Then I proceeded to make his lunch for school. Realizing that, yes I forgot to get bread again last night while I was out, I had to figure out how I was going to make him something for lunch. I had all the sides, the yogurt, the baked cheetos, the kool-aid little drink bottle. But crap, what am I suppose to do for the sandwich part? Well, Cole is now going to be that kid that has a peanut butter and jelly on a hot dog bun. Sorry kid. Mommy needs to go to the store. Maybe I'll get some waffles while I'm there.

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